Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA)

Flora is an accredited member of the Society of Later Life Advisers. The Later Life Adviser Accreditation is the recognised benchmark for advice skills for advisers specialising in the older client sector. The Later Life Adviser Accreditation (LLAA) is the established industry Gold Standard for those advising in the later life market. In addition to being a stand-alone award, it is also the basis of membership of the Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA).

Flora decided to specialise in the older client sector after seeing her grandmother suffer moments of confusion and memory loss.  Her grandmother would get frustrated and upset because of it. People around her thought it was because “she was just very old”, but Flora instinctively felt this was not the case and wanted to help. We also saw a rise in our clients asking about their elderly relatives who had similar issues and they did not know what to do or who to turn to.

Our advisory work in this sector includes working with and understanding Powers of Attorney, Succession Planning, Inheritance Tax Planning, and also Care Fee Planning for clients who need to understand how to fund a relative’s Care Fees, be it at their own home or in a registered Care Home. We can help with these difficult decisions at a delicate time. Being SOLLA accredited and a Dementia Friend, Flora is able to help clients who feel so bewildered, to better understand their vulnerable relative(s). Everything matters when it comes to the vulnerable. Her expertise and specialist skillset in this field gives families the peace of mind they need.